
  標題:野生淡菜飽滿肥嫩到爆殼 一上市就秒殺  
  作者:網管    ( 發表時間:2014-08-09    閱讀人次:900 )  

--2014-08-09 馬祖日報
野生淡菜飽滿肥嫩到爆殼 一上市就秒殺  照片





Want Some Summer Relish from Devouring Plump Mussels? You May Need to Seize the Precious Time to Catch these Delicious Plums!

 Report by Bing-Fang Lin in Dongju of Juguang Township, Lienchiang. Translated by Caleby L.

 Hooray! Seafood diggers, it’s mussels heyday!

 That’s right, it’s the perfect time for you to gobble and gorge gems of the sea in a year. July and August are considered the prime season to enjoy fleshy mussel dishes; however, may you just lie back and enjoy plenty available of them? A fat chance! Old pros and experienced fishermen say mussels can only be dredged during ebb and while the state of sea is fairly serene. So days that is suitable for dredging mussels are only a few, no wonder dozens catties of mussels sold out in a minute or a few.

 Finding and dredging mussels required more professional skills or tactful techniques compare to other kinds of shellfishes and mollusks, mainly because mussels inhabit in deeper ocean. Take Dongju for example, north to Da Yu (“big islet”) and Xiao Yu (“small islet”) will be the best locations for a bumper harvest.

 Local pickers exclaimed that mussels they found or ate were “almost blowing up its shells!”

 Mussel picking pro Shui-Mei Chen said, to collect mussels needs not just to wait till an ebb time, but a calm and tranquil state of the sea is necessary. Because half of your body would immersed in water while picking, it will increase risks if the sea is unstable.

 The first batch of mussels were merely a few dozen catties, and they, predictably, sold out in a few minutes like that was a flash sale rush. So, when is your next great opportunity to grab a handful gem? Look upon God’s will!

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