
  作者:網管     ( 發表時間:2021-11-25    閱讀人次:114 )  

The Story of Thanksgiving Day In the year 1620, a little ship called the Mayflower came to America. There were 102 people on the ship. These were the Pilgrims. During the first winter in America, half of the Pilgrims died of hunger and sickness. It was a terrible time for them. In the spring, Indians came to visit. They taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn and other vegetables. The Pilgrims worked hard. Finally, when the fall came, the fields were filled with food. The Pilgrims had good clothes and plenty to eat for that year. The Pilgrims were thankful for the good things they had. To thank the Indians, the Pilgrims treated them to a big dinner. They ate for three days together. Years later, the President of the United States announced that the fourth Thursday of November would be Thanksgiving Day every year.
西元 1620 年,有一艘名為“五月花號"的小船駛到了美國,船上載有 102 名乘客,這些 乘客都是清教徒。在美國的第一個冬天,一半的清教徒都死於饑餓和疾病。對他們來說,這真是艱難的時刻。
到了春天,印第安人來拜訪他們。印第安人教清教徒種植玉米和其他蔬菜,整個夏天,清教徒們都非常努力的工作。終於,當秋天來臨,農地裡長滿了作物。那年,清教徒們終於可以過 著豐衣足食的生活。清教徒們非常感謝所擁有的一切,為了感謝印第安人,他們招待印第安人享用大餐,大家 聚在一起大吃大喝了整整三天。這就是美國的第一個感恩節。

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